Two-Factor Authentication and Recovery Code Setup in Astro.js
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In the guide we are going to implement and add the Two-Factor Authentication to Astro.js along with the recovery codes.
Here is the video demonstration of what we are going to achieve:
This is the 4th and final part of the 4 part series exploring Authentication in Astro.js.
In the first part I implemented Google and Github Oauth, in second part I implemented Email password based credentials authentication and in the third part I implement magic link based auth.
In this guide we will implement the 2 two auth via TOTP based apps along with recovery codes if the user loses access to the TOTP app.
What are we going to achieve?
So let’s understand and clear the expectation first that after following this what you will be able to achieve.
- Set up Two Factor Auth
- Set up Recovery Code
- Verify user via two factor auth
Download the starter code. You can also clone the repo and select the two-factor-starter branch. It does contain the github, google, email and passwordless auth already setup with components and utility functions.
Download it and extract it and npm install command to install. Also make sure to set up DB, create an account on Resend and Upstash
Please note that I am continuing with what was left in previous post so in this post I am not setting up DB and all.
So let’s start
Schema Changes
Let’s start with changing the schema. We need to add changes to incorporate the recovery codes and also two factor secret code.
Firstly add 2 columns in the user tables regarding the twoFactor auth. 2 columns are twoFactorEnabled and the twoFactorSecret same no changes
export const users = sqliteTable("users", {
id: text("id")
.$default(() => createId())
fullName: text("full_name"),
userName: text("user_name").unique(),
email: text("email").notNull().unique(),
profilePhoto: text("profile_photo"),
emailVerified: integer("email_verified", { mode: "boolean" })
twoFactorEnabled: integer("two_factor_enabled", { mode: "boolean" })
twoFactorSecret: text("two_factor_secret"),
isBlocked: integer("is_blocked", { mode: "boolean" }).default(false),
isDeleted: integer("is_deleted", { mode: "boolean" }).default(false),
createdAt: text("created_at").default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`),
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ many, one }) => ({
oauthTokens: many(oauthTokens),
sessions: many(sessions),
loginLogs: many(loginLogs),
passwords: one(passwords),
recoveryCodes: many(recoveryCodes),
export const recoveryCodes = sqliteTable("recovery_codes", {
id: text("id")
.$defaultFn(() => createId())
userId: text("user_id").references(() =>, {
onDelete: "cascade",
code: text("code").notNull(),
isUsed: integer("is_used", { mode: "boolean" }).default(false),
export const recoveryCodesRelations = relations(recoveryCodes, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(users, {
fields: [recoveryCodes.userId],
references: [],
Setting up 2 factor auth
We will provide user with the option to set up two factor auth. For it you can go to the account page and there you will see that the 2 factor auth is currently not set. To set it we will display the qr code to the user along with the secret code if required. Then the user will input the code generated by the app then we will verify it
Let’s install the required library first
pnpm i otplib qrcode
pnpm i -D @types/qrcode
Now let’s define the route
import MainLayout from "../layout/main-layout.astro";
import TwoFactorForm from "../components/two-factor-form";
import { authenticator } from "otplib";
import qrcode from "qrcode";
import { db } from "../db";
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { users } from "../db/schema";
import { recoveryCodes } from "../db/schema";
const userId = Astro.locals?.userId;
if (!userId) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
const existingUser = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: eq(, userId),
with: {
recoveryCodes: {
where: eq(recoveryCodes.isUsed, false),
columns: {
code: true,
if (!existingUser) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
const secret = authenticator.generateSecret(20);
const otpAuthUrl = authenticator.keyuri(,
"Astro Auth",
const imageUrl = await qrcode.toDataURL(otpAuthUrl);
<MainLayout title="Two Factor Setup" description="Two Factor Setup">
<h1 class="my-10 text-3xl font-bold text-center">Two Factor Setup</h1>
existingUser.twoFactorEnabled && (
<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
<p class="bg-emerald-700 text-white rounded-md px-2 py-1">
You have Two Factor enabled. You can reconfigure it by submitting the
codes={ => code.code)}
So now the user scans the qr code or input the secret code then the user get the 6 digit code in their app. User will have to input the code in the form to verify.
For the verification process:
- API send the entered code along with the secret
- Validate the code using the authenticator.verify function
- If verification fails means either the code is wrong or code is expired. Send the response and return
- If verification successfull then: Update the user. set twoFactorEnabled: true and encrypt the twoFactorSecret and set the encryptedTwoFactorSecret return with success
Encryption and decryption function
Let’s define the encryption and decryption function. We are going to use AES-256-GCM
Create a new file in src/lib directory named encrypt-decrypt.ts
import { createCipheriv, createDecipheriv, randomBytes } from "crypto";
const algorithm = "aes-256-gcm";
const ivLength = 12;
const tagLength = 16;
export enum EncryptionPurpose {
export function aesEncrypt(plaintext: string, purpose: EncryptionPurpose) {
try {
const SECRET_KEY = import.meta.env[purpose]!;
const iv = randomBytes(ivLength);
const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, SECRET_KEY, iv);
const encrypted = Buffer.concat([
cipher.update(plaintext, "utf8"),,
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag();
return Buffer.concat([iv, tag, encrypted]).toString("base64");
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error while encrypting data", error);
throw new Error("Error while encrypting data");
export function aesDecrypt(ciphertext: string, purpose: EncryptionPurpose) {
try {
const SECRET_KEY = import.meta.env[purpose];
if (!SECRET_KEY) {
throw new Error("Secret key not found");
const buffer = Buffer.from(ciphertext, "base64");
const iv = buffer.subarray(0, ivLength);
const tag = buffer.subarray(ivLength, ivLength + tagLength);
const encrypted = buffer.subarray(ivLength + tagLength);
const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, SECRET_KEY, iv);
const decrypted = decipher.update(encrypted) +"utf8");
return decrypted;
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error while decrypting data", error);
throw new Error("Error while decrypting data");
API Route
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
import { and, eq, gte } from "drizzle-orm";
import { authenticator } from "otplib";
import { db } from "../../../db";
import { EncryptionPurpose, aesEncrypt } from "../../../lib/encrypt-decrypt";
import { recoveryCodes, sessions, users } from "../../../db/schema";
export async function POST({ request, cookies }: APIContext) {
try {
const { secretCode, enteredCode } = await request.json();
if (
!secretCode ||
!enteredCode ||
enteredCode.length != 6 ||
secretCode.length != 32
) {
return Response.json(
error: "validation_error",
{ status: 400 }
const authToken = cookies.get("app_auth_token")?.value;
if (!authToken) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const sessionInfo = await db.query.sessions.findFirst({
where: and(
eq(, authToken),
gte(sessions.expiresAt, new Date().getTime())
with: {
user: true,
if (!sessionInfo || !sessionInfo.user) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authorization_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 403,
const isValidToken = authenticator.verify({
token: enteredCode,
secret: secretCode,
const userId =;
// encrypt the secret code
const encryptedSecretCode = aesEncrypt(
if (isValidToken) {
await db
twoFactorEnabled: true,
twoFactorSecret: encryptedSecretCode,
.where(eq(, userId));
return Response.json({
success: true,
} else {
return Response.json(
error: "verification_error",
"Error while verifying two factor code. Enter new code and try again. If error persists then remove the account from app and also refresh this page.",
{ status: 400 }
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error while verifying two factor", err);
return Response.json(
error: "server_error",
message: "Internal server Error. Please try again later",
{ status: 500 }
Open the authenticator app(google or microsoft) and scan the qr code. Then enter the code and tap on verify. Two factor will be enabled for the user.
Don’t worry about the message displayed server error. It is due to not sending the recovery codes that why it is displayed there. Recovery code logic will be added in the later section.
Now we have to check if the two factor is enabled at every login process and redirect the user to verify the two factor befor creating the session.
Let’s modify the log in processes.
Modify log in processes
The main change in every login process is to
- First check if user exists or not (in case of oauth)
- If user exist check if user has enabled 2 factor auth or not
- If user has enabled 2 factor auth then store the userId in redis db with a random key with expiration of 2 hour store the key in the user cookies as a session cookie redirect the user to verify-two-factor page
Here is the code of above process
if (userExists.twoFactorEnabled) {
const faSess = await create2FASession(;
cookies.set("2fa_auth", faSess, {
path: "/",
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: "lax",
secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
return Response.json(
{ message: "2FA required", redirect: "/verify-two-factor" },
status: 302,
headers: {
Location: "/two-factor",
create2FASession utility function
Let’s add this function in the lib/auth.ts
export const create2FASession = async (userId: string) => {
const id = generateVerificationId();
await redis.set(`2fa_auth:${id}`, userId, { ex: 7200 });
return id;
Now we have to make changes in the following files
- callback/github.ts
- callback/google.ts
- login.ts
- pages/magic-link/[verificationId].astro
Github and Google Oauth
Here is the partial code.
View full code for github View full code for google...
} else{
} else{
cookies.delete("...", { path: "/" });
if (userExists.twoFactorEnabled) {
const faSess = await create2FASession(;
cookies.set("2fa_auth", faSess, {
path: "/",
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: "lax",
secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
return Response.json(
{ message: "2FA required", redirect: "/verify-two-factor" },
status: 302,
headers: {
Location: "/verify-two-factor",
const { sessionId, expiresAt } = ...
As the process is exactly same I am not pasting the code again. Do it for all the above mentioned files. Refer to the links posted below to match or if you find any difficulty
View full code for login.tsMagic Link
View full code for pages/magic-link/[verificationId].astroNow if user has set up 2 factor auth and wants to log in and user will be redirected to the verify-two-factor page. Let’s define the page and the api route.
Verify two factor
Let’s define the page first. In the verify two factor page firstly check if cookies exist or not. If cookies exists then it is valid or not . If it is not valid then redirect the user to the login page.
If cookie value is valid then display the form.
import MainLayout from "../layout/main-layout.astro";
import TwoFactorVerifyForm from "../components/two-factor-verify-form";
import redis from "../lib/redis";
const twoFaSess = Astro.cookies.get("2fa_auth")?.value;
if (!twoFaSess) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
const userId = await redis.get(`2fa_auth:${twoFaSess}`);
if (!userId) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
title="Two Factor Authentication"
description="Two Factor Authentication"
<TwoFactorVerifyForm client:load />
The two factor verify form calls the /verify-two-factor api. Let’s define the api route.
We will first get the user entered code then the userId value from redis. Then we will match the code by using the secret stored in the users table.
If the code matches then we will create the sessions, login logs and set the cookie just like we did in previous post.
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
import { sessions, users } from "../../../db/schema";
import { db } from "../../../db";
import { and, eq, gte } from "drizzle-orm";
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
import { authenticator } from "otplib";
import redis from "../../../lib/redis";
import { createLoginLog, createSession } from "../../../lib/auth";
import { EncryptionPurpose, aesDecrypt } from "../../../lib/encrypt-decrypt";
export async function POST({ request,clientAddress, cookies }: APIContext) {
try {
const twoFAAttemptCount = await redis.get(`${clientAddress}_2FA_attempt`);
if (twoFAAttemptCount === null) {
await redis.set(`${clientAddress}_2FA_attempt`, 9, { ex: 600 });
} else {
if (Number(twoFAAttemptCount) < 1) {
return Response.json(
error: {
code: "rate_limit",
message: "Too many requests. Please try again later.",
{ status: 429 }
} else {
await redis.decr(`${clientAddress}_2FA_attempt`);
const { enteredCode } = await request.json();
if (!enteredCode || enteredCode.length != 6) {
return Response.json(
error: "validation_error",
message: "Enter a valid 6 digit code",
{ status: 400 }
const authToken = cookies.get("2fa_auth")?.value;
if (!authToken) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const userId = await redis.get(`2fa_auth:${authToken}`);
if (!userId) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const userExists = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: and(eq(, userId as string)),
if (!userExists) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authorization_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 403,
const decryptedSecretCode = aesDecrypt(
const isValidToken = authenticator.verify({
token: enteredCode,
secret: decryptedSecretCode,
if (isValidToken) {
const { sessionId, expiresAt } = await createSession({
await createLoginLog({
userAgent: request.headers.get("user-agent"),
ip: clientAddress ?? "dev",
cookies.delete("2fa_auth", { path: "/" });
cookies.set("app_auth_token", sessionId, {
path: "/",
httpOnly: true,
expires: expiresAt,
secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
sameSite: "lax",
await redis.del(`2fa_auth:${authToken}`);
return Response.json(
{ message: "Logged In Successfully", redirect: "/dashboard" },
status: 200,
} else {
return Response.json(
error: "verification_error",
"Error while verifying multi factor code. Enter new code and try again.",
{ status: 400 }
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error while verifying multi factor", err);
return Response.json(
error: "server_error",
message: "Internal server Error. Please try again later",
{ status: 500 }
Now user will be able to verify via the authenticator app. Suppose user loses access to the app then they can use the recovery codes to access.
Let’s works towards the recovery code functionality.
Recovery Code
Let’s begin by generating the recovery codes. I will generate them at the same place I am setting up the two factor auth.
Generating recovery codes
Here’s the partial code of what we need to do. We will generate the recovery codes and then encrypt it using above declared function. same no changes
const generateId = customAlphabet("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 4);
const exisitingCode = await db.query.recoveryCodes.findMany({
where: and(eq(recoveryCodes.userId, userId), eq(recoveryCodes.isUsed, false)),
columns: { code: true },
let codes: string[] = [];
if (exisitingCode.length > 0) {
exisitingCode.forEach((code) => {
if (exisitingCode.length <= 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const code = `${generateId()}-${generateId()}-${generateId()}`;
await db.insert(recoveryCodes).values([
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[0], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[1], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[2], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[3], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[4], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[5], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
Here is the complete final code .
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
import { and, eq, gte } from "drizzle-orm";
import { customAlphabet } from "nanoid";
import { authenticator } from "otplib";
import { db } from "../../../db";
import { recoveryCodes, sessions, users } from "../../../db/schema";
export async function POST({ request, cookies }: APIContext) {
const generateId = customAlphabet("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 4);
try {
const { secretCode, enteredCode } = await request.json();
if (
!secretCode ||
!enteredCode ||
enteredCode.length != 6 ||
secretCode.length != 16
) {
return Response.json(
error: "validation_error",
{ status: 400 }
const authToken = cookies.get("app_auth_token")?.value;
if (!authToken) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const sessionInfo = await db.query.sessions.findFirst({
where: and(
eq(, authToken),
gte(sessions.expiresAt, new Date().getTime())
with: {
user: true,
if (!sessionInfo || !sessionInfo.user) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authorization_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 403,
const isValidToken = authenticator.verify({
token: enteredCode,
secret: secretCode,
const userId =;
// encrypt the secret code
const encryptedSecretCode = aesEncrypt(
if (isValidToken) {
await db
twoFactorEnabled: true,
twoFactorSecret: encryptedSecretCode,
.where(eq(, userId));
const exisitingCode = await db.query.recoveryCodes.findMany({
where: and(
eq(recoveryCodes.userId, userId),
columns: { code: true },
if (exisitingCode.length > 0) {
await db.delete(recoveryCodes).where(eq(recoveryCodes.userId, userId));
let codes: string[] = [];
if (exisitingCode.length <= 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const code = `${generateId()}-${generateId()}-${generateId()}`;
await db.insert(recoveryCodes).values([
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[0], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[1], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[2], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[3], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[4], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[5], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
return Response.json({
success: true,
data: {
} else {
return Response.json(
error: "verification_error",
"Error while verifying two factor code. Enter new code and try again. If error persists then remove the account from app and also refresh this page.",
{ status: 400 }
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error while verifying two factor", err);
return Response.json(
error: "server_error",
message: "Internal server Error. Please try again later",
{ status: 500 }
Now if you again go to the two-factor route and set up again then you will see the recovery codes.

Downloading recovery codes
Let’s add the functionality for downloading recovery codes to user device.
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
import { and, eq, gte } from "drizzle-orm";
import { db } from "../../../db";
import { recoveryCodes, sessions } from "../../../db/schema";
import { EncryptionPurpose, aesDecrypt } from "../../../lib/encrypt-decrypt";
export async function GET({ cookies }: APIContext) {
try {
const authToken = cookies.get("app_auth_token")?.value;
if (!authToken) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const sessionInfo = await db.query.sessions.findFirst({
where: and(
eq(, authToken),
gte(sessions.expiresAt, new Date().getTime())
with: {
user: true,
if (!sessionInfo || !sessionInfo.user) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authorization_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 403,
const exisitingCode = await db.query.recoveryCodes.findMany({
where: and(
eq(recoveryCodes.isUsed, false)
if (exisitingCode.length < 1) {
return Response.json(
error: "not_found",
message: "No codes exists for the user.",
{ status: 404 }
let codes: string[] = [];
if (exisitingCode.length > 0) {
exisitingCode.forEach((code) => {
codes.push(aesDecrypt(code.code, EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE));
return new Response(codes.join("\n"), {
headers: {
"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=astro-auth-codes.txt",
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
} catch (error) {
console.log("error while downloading", error);
return Response.json(
error: "server_error",
message: "Error while downloading code",
{ status: 500 }
Viewing Recovery codes
Add a new page named recovery-codes in the pages folder and add the following code.
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { db } from "../db";
import { recoveryCodes, users } from "../db/schema";
import MainLayout from "../layout/main-layout.astro";
import { EncryptionPurpose, aesDecrypt } from "../../../lib/encrypt-decrypt";
const userId = Astro.locals?.userId;
if (!userId) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
const existingUser = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: eq(, userId),
with: {
recoveryCodes: {
where: eq(recoveryCodes.isUsed, false),
columns: {
code: true,
if (!existingUser) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
<MainLayout title="Recovery Code" description="Recovery Code">
<h1 class="my-10 text-3xl font-bold text-center">Recovery Code</h1>
existingUser.recoveryCodes.length === 0 && (
<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center">
<p class="mt-5 mb-3 text-center">
Enable Two Factor Auth to Set up Recovery Codes
<a href="/account" class="bg-blue-600 px-4 py-2 text-white rounded-md">
Go to Account Page
<div class="w-full max-w-xl mx-auto flex flex-col">
<div class="flex items-center gap-3">
<h3 class="my-5 text-xl font-bold">Exisiting Codes</h3>
class="bg-blue-700 text-white rounded-md px-3 py-1"
Download Code
class="bg-red-700 text-white rounded-md px-3 py-1"
Rotate Code
{ => (
<p>{aesDecrypt(code.code, EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE)}</p>
const rotateCodeBtn = document.getElementById("rotate-code");
const handleRotateCode = async () => {
await fetch("/api/auth/rotate-recovery-codes", {
method: "POST",
rotateCodeBtn?.addEventListener("click", handleRotateCode);
We will provide user with the functionality to generate the new recovery codes and discard the old ones.
Rotate Recovery Codes
Let’s define the API route to regenerate the recovery codes and delete the previous ones.
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
import { and, eq, gte } from "drizzle-orm";
import { customAlphabet } from "nanoid";
import { db } from "../../../db";
import { recoveryCodes, sessions } from "../../../db/schema";
import { EncryptionPurpose, aesEncrypt } from "../../../lib/encrypt-decrypt";
export async function POST({ cookies }: APIContext) {
const generateId = customAlphabet("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 4);
try {
const authToken = cookies.get("app_auth_token")?.value;
if (!authToken) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const sessionInfo = await db.query.sessions.findFirst({
where: and(
eq(, authToken),
gte(sessions.expiresAt, new Date().getTime())
with: {
user: true,
if (!sessionInfo || !sessionInfo.user) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authorization_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 403,
const userId =;
await db.delete(recoveryCodes).where(eq(recoveryCodes.userId, userId));
let codes: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const code = `${generateId()}-${generateId()}-${generateId()}`;
await db.insert(recoveryCodes).values([
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[0], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[1], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[2], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[3], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[4], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
{ userId, code: aesEncrypt(codes[5], EncryptionPurpose.RECOVERY_CODE) },
return Response.json({
success: true,
data: {
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error while rotating recovery codes", err);
return Response.json(
error: "server_error",
message: "Internal server Error. Please try again later",
{ status: 500 }
Verifying recovery code
Verify the recovery code and set isUsed as true.
Let’s add a page for it.
import MainLayout from "../layout/main-layout.astro";
import RecoveryCodeVerifyForm from "../components/recovery-code-verify-form";
import redis from "../lib/redis";
const twoFaSess = Astro.cookies.get("2fa_auth")?.value;
if (!twoFaSess) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
const userId = await redis.get(`2fa_auth:${twoFaSess}`);
if (!userId) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
title="Recovery Code Verification"
description="Recovery Code Verification"
<RecoveryCodeVerifyForm client:load />
So firstly we will check for rate limit and then find all the codes for the user. As the codes are encrypted so we will decrypt it and match with the user provided code. If code is valid then we create the session for the user.
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
import { and, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { db } from "../../../db";
import { recoveryCodes, users } from "../../../db/schema";
import { createLoginLog, createSession } from "../../../lib/auth";
import redis from "../../../lib/redis";
import { aesDecrypt, EncryptionPurpose } from "../../../lib/encrypt-decrypt";
export async function POST({ request, clientAddress, cookies }: APIContext) {
try {
const verifyRecoveryCodeAttempt = await redis.get(
if (verifyRecoveryCodeAttempt === null) {
await redis.set(`${clientAddress}_recov_code_attempt`, 9, { ex: 600 });
} else {
if (Number(verifyRecoveryCodeAttempt) < 1) {
return Response.json(
error: {
code: "rate_limit",
message: "Too many requests. Please try again later.",
{ status: 429 }
} else {
await redis.decr(`${clientAddress}_recov_code_attempt`);
const { enteredCode } = await request.json();
if (!enteredCode || enteredCode.length != 14) {
return Response.json(
error: "validation_error",
message: "Enter a valid code",
{ status: 400 }
const authToken = cookies.get("2fa_auth")?.value;
if (!authToken) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const userId = await redis.get(`2fa_auth:${authToken}`);
if (!userId) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authentication_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 401,
const userExists = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: and(eq(, userId as string)),
with: {
recoveryCodes: {
where: eq(recoveryCodes.isUsed, false),
if (!userExists) {
return Response.json(
{ error: "authorization_error", message: "Log in" },
status: 403,
let isValidCode = false;
for (const recoveryCode of userExists.recoveryCodes) {
const decryptedCode = aesDecrypt(
if (decryptedCode === enteredCode) {
await db
isUsed: true,
isValidCode = true;
if (isValidCode) {
const { sessionId, expiresAt } = await createSession({
await createLoginLog({
userAgent: request.headers.get("user-agent"),
ip: clientAddress ?? "dev",
cookies.delete("2fa_auth", { path: "/" });
cookies.set("app_auth_token", sessionId, {
path: "/",
httpOnly: true,
expires: expiresAt,
secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
sameSite: "lax",
await redis.del(`2fa_auth:${authToken}`);
return Response.json(
{ message: "Logged In Successfully", redirect: "/dashboard" },
status: 200,
} else {
return Response.json(
error: "verification_error",
message: "Error while verifying recovery code. Try another one.",
{ status: 400 }
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error while verifying recovery code", err);
return Response.json(
error: "server_error",
message: "Internal server Error. Please try again later",
{ status: 500 }
The code can be found in repo under the two-factor-final branch.
This marks the end of Astro Authentication Series. Join us on discord if you have any query whatsoever. You can raise an issue if you find any, on the github or on the discord channel.